Carregant Esdeveniments

8 novembre | 18:00

Storytelling per adults: Fireside tales from Scotland a càrrec de Sara Carline

La Biblioteca Pilarin Bayés de Vic us convida a la sessió de Storytelling per adults:

Fireside tales from Scotland, storytelling for adults by Sara Carline.

«Learn about Scottish culture with stories and legends from Scotland. Come gather round this imaginary fire and listen to tales and legends of magical creatures from the mountains, lochs and islands of Scotland. We’ll go over some vocabulary to help with comprehension, and you’ll get the chance to ask questions or comment on the stories if you want to

Es recomana nivell A2 o superior.

Activitat gratuïta. Places limitades.


Dia: Divendres, 8 de novembre de 2024

Hora: 18:00 h.

Lloc: Sala d’actes U d’Octubre. Biblioteca Pilarin Bayés de Vic

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